

All types of media can apply for accreditation for the race (print, internet, television, radio media but also photographers and cameramen who do not publish for any editorial office). 

NEW: If you publish to promote the race, accreditation will be granted free of charge, with only a refundable vest deposit. If your request for accreditation is commercial, i.e. for the purpose of earning money (selling photos or videos to drivers, etc.), the fee is CZK 1,250 or EUR 50 per person. In case that the fee is not paid at the press center and it is subsequently found that the acquired materials were used for commercial purposes, we will demand a penalty of CZK 10,000 or EUR 400.

Anyone who obtains accreditation will receive a vest called PRESS Ecce Homo. Other vest is not allowed in this race. The refundable deposit for the vest is 500,- Kč or 20 Euros. The head of the press centre may decide on a free deposit as an exception. Everyone who receives a PRESS vest is obliged to wear it (not in his pocket, backpack, etc.) throughout the sporting event. 


All applicants for accreditation are required to:


- To submit fully completed accreditation form (the partially completed form will be returned) 

- All who obtain accreditation must confirm by their signature that immediately after the end of the race they will send to the email address of the press centre (mili@eccehomo.cz), or by mail to AMK Ecce Homo Šternberk at UAMK, an article that came out or comes out in a certain media or photographs or videos, or Web link.


Writing journalists, keep in mind that the published article must at least once show the whole name of the race, i.e. Ecce Homo Šternberk 2024 and if you mention organizing club its official name is: AMK Ecce Homo Šternberk in ÚAMK.  


In your articles, use informations which are published in press releases at the official website of the race www.eccehomo.cz, information from other media are not verified by us. 


Photographers are obliged to send photographs from the race (any amount) at least in web resolution and three photographs in full-resolution without a watermark or any own add (in this case, the press office commits that if a full resolution photo is used, it will always indicate the name of the photographer who provided the photograph).  


Note that publication on the official Ecce Homo facebook page does not imply proof of publication. If you publish photos or videos on social networks, you will also need to send a link to the email address above. 


If you are re-applying for accreditation for Ecce Homo race and you have not been able to submit your work in previous years, you will not be awarded your accreditation for this year’s race. 


If you are an applicant who does not publish for any editorial office, please contact the head of the press office at mili@eccehomo.cz. It is possible to agree on co-operation with AMK EH when such an applicant would be obliged to provide all the obtained materials for organizing club, or there is a possibility to choose paid commercial accreditation where similar conditions apply to applicants as for classic accreditation. Awarding the paid accreditation is decided in full by the head of the press department in cooperation with the race management. This accreditation will be issued after filling in the accreditation form and submitting a non-refundable deposit of 1250,- Kč or 50 Euros.


Accreditation process

The press department will communicate in advance with every applicant via email address of each applicant whether or not they were granted or refused the accreditation. The press centre issues to accredited applicants all materials needed at the venue of the event.  


Deadlines for applications for accreditations for Ecce Homo Šternberk 2024: 

Monday 27th of May 2024.

Contact for sending accreditation applications:

mili@eccehomo.cz  or at address Automotive Club Ecce Homo Šternberk at ÚAMK, Milena Schärferová, POB 17, Nádražní 60, 785 01 Šternberk, Czech Republic.

Press Centre - headquarters building: Opavská 14, Šternberk, Czech Republic

Friday,  May 31st 2024,  from 2 PM to 6 PM
Saturday,  June 1st 2024,  from 7 AM to 5 PM 
Sunday, June 2nd 2024,  from 7 AM to 5 PM

connected files

Accreditation form  [doc] [pdf]

Start Ecce Homo Historic 2024:
Plán akcí 2024
Olomoucký kraj
TV Morava
CarTec Olomouc
facebook skupina ecce homo šternberk